março 07, 2006

Austin's Birthday - 8 March

how beautiful u look on your glorious birthday. great joy and peace to u and vitor.(perhaps vitor was the excellent fotographer.)
Happy Birthday to our Favorite Niece!! we hope you have a day as special as you are - and it will be your first Married Birthday, extra-special! :o)

unfortunately, we still can't seem to get our acts together with the whole overseas shipping thing, so your birthday present is still on its way to you. sorry! surely you will have it by Easter. ;o)

birthday blessings to you, austin!

much love,
aunt heather, uncle drex, justis, addison, macklin, kellson and hadley
parabens, parabéns, parabéns!!!!!
que saudades tuas!!! pois foi não me lembrei antes...mas de visita aos blogs do costume....encontrei-te.bjs. Que Deus te guarde sempre. até breve!!!!
Oh.... beautiful girl! :) I was glad I got to talk to you on your birthday, and I'm just now seeing this. I will try to call again sometime soonish. I have moved and am now getting better from having a cold for a week and not doing anything except going to work. Hopefully things will get unpacked and settled soon. Love you!!!

Se bem me lembro.... faz exactamente um ano hoje dia 26 de Março que duas vidas se uniram numa só...
Parabéns pelo aninho de namoro casados :D
ooops... precisei chegar ao fim do dia para me aperceber que hoje ainda é dia 25!!! fiz mal as contas :$...
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